Well as you can see from the photographs Whisper got her new paint job, lettering and numbering and in the water. We had a wonderful trip down the coast of Florida to Miami, where we are presently on anchor. We had a great American Thanksgiving in Vero Beach, Turkey, Ham, all the trimmings and plenty deserts provided by the cruising community and some retired cruisers on land. The weather has been superb. It was good to meet up with other cruisers we have met over the last four years and the occasional first timers. To see the anticipation and excitement in the first time cruisers reminded us of our maiden voyage in 2007. We have come a long way both in distance and education of living aboard a 30 foot sail boat. We are not sure exactly where the wind will take us this season, but for sure there will be lots of stories. We have a taken a few days reprieve here in Miami to enjoy some trips ashore and the wonderful beach.

Marilyn has a new toy. What a relief since we got the new outboard moter, She can now handle going ashore by herself, this takes a lot of pressure off me.

Who knew how a wasp found me but he sure did. Nurse Marilyn put a poltus on for the night

When it comes to the rules of the road each skipper must be very aware of which vessel has the right of way. Being in our fifth year Marilyn and I have learned to flick the books overboard and wisely give the larger vessel the right of way.
Here we are ready for another six months of adventures.

There is a saying “friends are better than money” this proves true here. As we were at wits end trying to get “WHISPER” finished and in the water two old friends showed up with lunch and put the finishing touches on the hull. They put the boats name and number where they belonged and did a great job. Our good friends George Hebb and Catherine Utter form “Mya 1”
Marilyn has a new toy. What a relief since we got the new outboard moter, She can now handle going ashore by herself, this takes a lot of pressure off me.
Passing through Fort Lauderdale is breath taking. It is advertised as the yacht capital of the world. The mega yacht would blow ones mind. Of course the cruise ships industry is very vibrant.
Thanksgiving is as important here as Christmas is at home. There are two places to be for that celebration. We met at Vero Beach. You can see the number of boats who showed up for the occasion.
Three o’clock in the morning we heard this strange noise outside the boat. Not knowing what to expect we found this bird using our dingy as a diving board for fishing.
Who knew how a wasp found me but he sure did. Nurse Marilyn put a poltus on for the night
When it comes to the rules of the road each skipper must be very aware of which vessel has the right of way. Being in our fifth year Marilyn and I have learned to flick the books overboard and wisely give the larger vessel the right of way.
There is a saying “friends are better than money” this proves true here. As we were at wits end trying to get “WHISPER” finished and in the water two old friends showed up with lunch and put the finishing touches on the hull. They put the boats name and number where they belonged and did a great job. Our good friends George Hebb and Catherine Utter form “Mya 1”
Sail Over Power!!
Good to hear from you both. Lots of love from Cabot Street.
Good to see that you're cruising south again. Keep up the posts so Phil and I can vicariously through them. Hope you have fair winds and following seas. Saving money hoping to leave August 2012 to cruise again.
Lorraine Dolsen
S/V Changes
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